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Night Sky

Malfus: Necromancer Unchained

Update: January 2023

I have some exciting news! I finally got my edits back from the editor! And he had some really great things to say about my book!


First of all, I really lucked out finding my editor. His name is Jon Oliver. He’s worked with Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, and Dan Abnett before. He’s even been on a live panel to talk about writing with George R.R. Martin before!


Here are some of the things he had to say about my book… “The combat is captivating and reads like scenes out of a movie. There weren’t any spots in the book where I was bored. It’s a fresh take on a lot of familiar concepts and tropes.” He also compared my book to Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett! That’s one of my own personal favorite Warhammer 40k novels. I’ve read it at least three times!


The best news is that I don’t have any major changes I need to make to the book. The plot, characters, and pacing all check out! I am going through my book, tightening up the writing and letting a little more of the worldbuilding I did shine through in the story. Then after this, I still have a round of copy editing, followed by proofreading to make it through, but… right now, I am aiming for a release date in JUNE!


It’s been a busy month and I have some more exciting news to share as well! I’m going to be on a podcast called Tell me About Your Book which will be available to listen to some time in February. Tell Me About Your Book on Apple Podcasts


I’m also getting a cover professionally designed by Alejandro Calluci, a fantastic artist who has designed covers for the Witcher, Joe Abercrombie, Anne Rice, Robin Hobb, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Steven Erikson.


Finally, if you haven’t seen it yet, check out this short video about my book!


I’m going to get back to editing so I can still meet my June timeline!


Happy Reading,

Casey Sutton


P.S. — Stay tuned, I have another surprise next month for everyone on my mailing list!

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